
Healthy Beings - Hyperbaric Therapy for Covid

Hyperbaric Therapy: A Promising Treatment for L...

Hyperbaric therapy has been used for decades to treat a variety of medical conditions, ranging from decompression sickness to chronic wounds. However, recent research has suggested that hyperbaric therapy may also be effective in treating long COVID symptoms.Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), is a...

Healthy Beings - Parasite Cleanse on Full Moon

Full Moon and Parasites: Understanding the Conn...

There is a popular belief that parasites are more active during a full moon, and that cleansing the body of parasites during this time can be particularly effective. CellCore, a health supplement company, offers a product called Para Kit which is specifically designed to cleanse the body of parasites. In...

Sleep Tips

Sleep Tips

When you are feeling tired and struggling to get to sleep, then there may be an idea here for you. We have compiled some of the best ideas that will help you identify the best solution to help you fall asleep tonight. Steps to Follow for Quality Sleep: Stop consuming...

Healthy Beings - Smart Story


Goals are designed to help you find the next steps to accomplish something. However, setting goals without intention can inhibit your progress. One way to ensure your goals are purposeful is to set SMART goals.    SMART stands for   Specific  Measurable  Achievable Relevant  Time-Bound   Specific When setting a goal, you want it...

Healthy Beings - Skin Health Tips

Skin Health Tips

Our skin is the largest organ of the body. When our skin is in poor condition, it is usually caused by a deeper-rooted issue or imbalance within the body. Optimal hydration, a diverse gut flora, balanced hormones, healthy liver function, nutrient sufficiency, physical activity, and stress management are key when...